Penulis :Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd | A5 | Halaman: 60 | ISBN ___________________________
Reading for specific purpose is a book that is created to help students to read well as well as improve their reading. In the first chapter, students are introduced to the benefit of reading, how to be a better reader, and how to read faster. This is important for students in order that they know why they read and how to improve their reading skill.
The next chapters discuss strategies applied in reading activities, like previewing and predicting, scanning, guessing word meaning, finding topic and main ideas, and recognizing pattern of organization. These strategies are essential to be mastered to achieve an effective reading to comprehend text.
Besides providing explanation about strategies in reading, this book also provides a lot of exercises for each strategy. These exercises help students practice their knowledge on reading strategies. By doing exercises it is expected that students can improve their comprehending text.
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